Learning to drive will give you the freedom you want, allowing you to travel places without needing to wait for buses or trains to arrive, getting you exactly to your destination, not just the nearest station. Having a licence will also have benefits for your career, possibly being essential for your chosen profession.
Lessons are generally offered in 2 hour regular, weekly slots, although if availability allows, a more intensive course can be requested. We can discuss any requirements you might have prior to starting, and work out the best framework for you.
My lessons are structured to enable a development of skills and knowledge at the pace best suited to you. Each lesson will start by establishing the goals to be achieved by the end and how best the reach them.
During the lesson, we will assess whether the plan is working or if it needs to be adjusted, maybe to make it easier if the goal is too hard, or more challenging if you are learning quickly. At the end of the lesson we will have feedback (both ways) and develop an idea of what to work on next lesson. I will encourage you to spend sometime between lessons reflecting on what happened and preparing for what you want to do next time (homework).
There are many topics which need to be covered to produce a competent driver who is able to handle driving alone and during the course of lessons we will tackle each area until we are both happy that you have mastered them. I provide worksheets and progress charts to enable easy visualisation of your path to success.
I like to keep things pretty simple, so for information about prices please see below. For affordable driving lessons, I offer deals on block bookings.
You may want to get more driving experience outside of lessons by using your own car, or perhaps your parent's car.
I always support you getting more experience in this way, as long as you are properly supervised and insured. If you're just starting out, have a look at Marmalade, who specialise in insurance for young drivers.